Emotional Intelligence™ | Training Activity

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5.0 7 reviews
Looking to develop better emotional intelligence in the workplace? This engaging, interactive discussion activity is perfect for achieving that goal. It's designed to promote understanding, help participants explore their own levels of EI and find ways to improve levels of EI in the workplace.
to find out about the topic in an interactive way
to enable participants’ to explore their own levels of EI
to build a list of the skills and attributes associated with good EI
to find out ways to improve levels of EI
Repeat Use Licence Included (see Licence)
Excellent Value! Use over & over with your teams!
Regular price £550 ex. VAT
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Product details

  • Type Training Activity
  • Timing 1 hour + debrief
  • Use F2F & Virtual
  • Target Audience All Levels
  • Min Participants 3
  • Max Participants* 24
  • *More delegates? Contact Us
  • Computer Required No
  • Printer Required No
  • Supply Format Hard & Digital Copy

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Northgate says...

"Guaranteed to encourage interaction and involvement, and a deeper understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence in creating a happy and productive workforce. This activity is supplied both as a hard copy pack for face-to-face training, and digitally for use in virtual classrooms, making it a very flexible resource."

  • Explores about the topic in an interactive way
  • Enables participants to explore their own levels of EI
  • Build a list of the skills and attributes associated with good EI
  • Find out ways to improve levels of EI
  • Help staff make their performance at work (and in life) more rewarding

Ideally suited to:

Any course on EI as an engaging, enjoyable and non-threatening introduction to the concept of Emotional Intelligence and the value it brings to individuals and to the workplace.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Pamela Malkin, OD Consultant, Golden Charter

We've bought a few Northgate training activities: 'Houston, we have a problem', 'Escape Room 2 Breakout!', 'RollaBall!', 'The Sandwich Shop', 'Listening Skills' and 'Emotional Intelligence'. We love them, as our participants find them very engaging, bringing together their consolidation of learning in a fun and practical way.

Steve Laing, Consultant, QC Training International

Wow! I found 'Emotional Intelligence' to be absolutely inspiring. Each group had a very revealing and powerful discussion which made a significant positive impact on everyone attending. Thank you and well done! I plan to use it wherever I can in future courses.

Tanya Robinson, Thames Valley Police

We have used Northgate's 'Emotional Intelligence' training activity with a group of admin staff and with a group of police officers and staff at inspector level and equivalent. It has proved effective in introducing the concepts of Emotional Intelligence in both cases, and provoked some interesting and thought-provoking discussion. Feedback from the participants was that they enjoyed the game. We will continue to use the game regularly.

Terry O’Connor, Learning & Development Lead, Thurrock Council

We use a number of Northgate Training activities including 'Escape from Mars!', 'Emotional Intelligence' & 'Capture the Flag!'. We are really enjoying using them in our training courses and so are all the learners!

Cedrick LaFleur, Chief Executive , LaFleur Leadership Institute

I have used the 'Emotional Intelligence' activity in a face-to-face setting. Easy to use and facilitate with great feedback - my clients love Northgate activities!