Improve That Process!™ | Change Management Training Activity

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Faced with a process that isn’t working, teams are empowered to change it - then test it - then measure the level of improvement.
Breaks down communication barriers
Shows the benefit of crossfunctional teams towards achieving customer satisfaction
Illustrates the advantages of continuous improvement
Highlights the need for creative change and empowerment
Repeat Use Licence Included (see Licence)
Excellent Value! Use over & over with your teams!
Prix £695 ex. VAT

Product details

  • Type Training Activity
  • Timing 3 hours + debrief
  • Use Face-to-Face
  • Target Audience All Levels
  • Min Participants 5
  • Max Participants* 15
  • *More delegates? Contact Us
  • Computer Required No
  • Printer Required No
  • Supply Format Hard Copy

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Northgate says...

"We get great feedback from this activity. The interactive format of learning-bydoing particularly suits this training topic, which is all about hands-on and improving a practical process."

  • Breaks down communication barriers
  • Shows the benefit of crossfunctional teams towards achieving customer satisfaction
  • Illustrates the advantages of continuous improvement
  • Highlights the need for creative change and empowerment
  • Overcomes resistance to change
  • Shows change as a function of open communication networks

Ideally suited to:

Experiencing a process, seeing the problems and then agreeing how to put them right.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Stuart Warner, Training Consultant, Financial Fluency Ltd

'Improve That Process!' is a highly immersive, engaging and fun activity, which delivers some profound lessons about process improvement, communication and teamwork. There are a number of valuable learning outcomes which can be related back to the workplace. It's important to spend time getting to know the activity and setting up in advance, however, once it's up and running it works brilliantly. It is also a joy to observe.

J. Lee, Cheshire County Council

We used 'Improve That Process!' on our corporate training programme that promotes “systems” thinking. It highlighted how we unconsciously try to make bureaucratic, hierarchical, naff systems work – rather than radically design them. Delegates realise that activity and customer focused outputs are two different things. A highly participative exercise that very quickly demonstrates how systems that aren’t designed to meet demand de-moralise willing workers and fail to meet customer needs.

Sue Martin, Westland Helicopters

I used 'Improve That Process!' on a training course to demonstrate change and continuous improvement with a group of 12 junior managers. It translated theory into practice very well. The best learning points included: planning, change, working smartly and process management. A good activity – very useful and active. Ideal for my course.

J. L. Vogel, Lehmann Vogel & Partner, Germany

Running 'Improve That Process!' was truly amazing! Everyone felt the exercise was extremely valuable and powerful. You could see what happens in an organisation with poor processes. Issues that surface slowly over a period of time within an organisation were simulated in just half an hour!

S. Brown, Developing People Ltd

I used 'Improve That Process!' with a group from a manufacturing industry. It was a great game, with lots of learning points about the benefits of Process v. Departmentalised working – and it was easy to use.